3cm Button

Size: 30mm Diameter (1.2 inches)

Lit Area 25mm diameter

Area: 7cm2


EL Buttons

EL Buttons are the perfect size for highlighting a costume, model or decorative projects.

They can be overlaid onto a costume or inlaid into interior design projects.

To enable you to light up multiple pieces with one inverter, please visit our Additional Items section where you will find splitters, cables & extension leads.

Gif showing the 3cm round panel lit and unlit

for Detroit: Becoming Human 2cm Hoops please look at this listing:



Electroluminescent technology is low power and eco-friendly and used for all types of lighting projects.

The panels are flexible and as thin as a laminated sheet of paper.

They can also be trimmed if you need to create a particular size or shape.

We can make any size or shape EL Panel for you and also offer a service of vinyl printing onto the Panels.