30mm x 200mm

Size: 30mm x 200mm (1.2 x 7.9 inches)

Lit Size: 30mm x 190mm



Replacement Backlight 30mm x 200mm

Sometimes vintage hardware can be maintained for years, but the EL Panel backlight starts to dim and fades so much that it becomes unreadable.

It may have been decades since the product was manufactured so getting spares can be tricky.
Luckily we have a whole range of replacement EL Backlights available and this backlight can be used for a Mercedes Benz 4X4 radio backlight.

Gif showing the30x200cm backlight panel lit and unlit

These EL Backlights will have to be soldered into place, they are very robust and if it is not quite the right size you can trim it down to shape with scissors